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Thursday, 20 November 2014
My first hunt
My first hunt
BANG, my hopeful eyes stared in amazement at the hare. The smoke from the 22 wafted up my nostrils. The hay from the hay bale itched against my arms and grass tickled against my legs. I was losing my grip on the trigger, "Did I kill it?" I asked Tavi with a determined and pale face... "Yes!" Tavi responded. My face lit up like water in the sunlight and a sideways crescent moon beamed. Then out the corner of Tavi's eye a hare sprints across the field! Tavi snatches the 22 from my grasp and lines the hare up with the gun... BANG, BANG, BANG the hare flees into an armoured, spiked gorse and falls like a bomb from a fighter jet and then, when it hit the ground it was still like a crooked gravestone! When we reached the carcass the frozen body was sinking in a lake of blood. The eye of the hare stared, not blinking. The mouth was open and saliva was dripping from it's tongue. My heart pumped valiantly and felt like it was pushing it's way out if of me. It was a one of the most creepy, awesome, exciting moments of my life, one I'll never forget.
Driving to wellington
“BLLLLL!” Vomit drowned my favorite t-shirt. My mouth tasted like a like hundred slugs.
‘Wait a minute,’ I told myself. I quietly and quickly snatched a t-shirt and a lake of vomit filled it. Anna stuck her tongue out and her eyes scrunched up like they were being smashed with jack hammers. My hand cautiously picked up the stinky, rotten and green t-shirt. I scrunched up my eyes so as not to look at the Loch Ness Vomit.
My mind was happy at the thought of having the vomit off my lap.
The quiet motor of the car ran along the road. My aching stomach and the smell of vomit kept me awake all NIGHT! The uncomfortable seat bounded me up and down, like a roller coaster up and down, up….
Half an hour later “BLLLLL!” A vomit beard covered my chin. My jaw was hanging open. My chin had grown a beard green with a pinch of Weet-Bix from this morning's breakfast. Dad was driving so there were no snores but the smell of vomit was still floating around the tired car. My stomach ground against my liver. But at least I was getting rest. So eventually I drifted into a dream. And yes it was filled with vomit and snores and vomit beards….
Thursday, 13 November 2014
My sketch of a shoe
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In Room 4 we had to sketch a shoe that Mrs O brought from home. We tried to use different shades of pencil (2H, HB, B, 2B, 4B, 6B) |
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Cross Country 2014
My mind is racing, my feet are thundering, my stomach is doing triple somersaults... I'm forcing myself up the rocky hill. My mind makes a slit second decision. Sprint? Or jog. It's sprint! I click into sprint mode. I'm in forth place. My eyes stare at the finish line and I sprint. 3rd. 2nd. I glance across at Ryan and power into first place...
Monday, 20 October 2014
Haiku Poem
Line 1 = 5 syllables
Line 2 = 7 syllables
Line 3 = 5 syllables
SharkMassive predator
16,000 pounds per bite
Known to kill humans
Sunday, 12 October 2014
The prime minsters new clothes
New Zealand, Wellington, Triathlon. 2012. The prime minister rapidly divided into the freezing cold pool. Halfway down the pool water slowly flooded the spine of the prime minister. Suddenly he heard a silent rip.
24 hours earlier…..
A news crew scurried through the sliding doors of the gigantic and awesome Beehive. They started running towards a large polished desk where an old lady sat staring into a laptop. Briefly the crew asked if they could speak with the prime minister.
“Wait here” replied the old lady.
The men sat down on large poofy chairs, picked up a magazine and began to read. Impatient, after a long a long wait, one of the men stood up and bellowed
“We’ve been here too long. I can’t read any more Woman’s Weeklys!’
And much to the old ladies surprise the news crew ran up, up,up the hundreds of stairs that lead to the top of the beehive. After what seemed like they had climbed up millions they heard a loud clunk, then another and then another. The news crew stopped dead in their tracks. Clunk! Clunk! Clunk! And down came a bald, fat man wearing a wet-suit with a tie. On his feet were wonderfully polished shoes like a diamond that was polished by the sun. The large man politely said,
“Hello.” The news crew immediately recognised the voice, gasped and fell to their feet and begged,
"Please would you be filmed for an add for a new type of togs?"
The prime minister beamed with delight and bellowed at the top of this voice,
Little did the prime minister know that the news crew were trying to rid the minister of his prime and give the spotlight to the deputy prime minister. For the togs he was wearing for the ad had an automatic rip sequence that was set for the swimming race he was to swim in 20 hours! After the ad the crew said that the prime minister could keep the togs and left.
Just before the minister left the room the Deputy Prime minister came in with a devilish grin.
“My, my. What a fine wet suit. You should wear them to the race.” The prime minister politely nodded and left the room .
The next day…
The starting pistol cracked like a fire works and the racers dived into the pool like a missile. On the second lap the prime minister was in the lead but suddenly there was a silent rip. The prime ministers stared in horror at the gaping hole exposing the lower part of his body. The prime minister turned red, held the ripped part of the wet suits in his hands and stormed out of the door. He threw himself in his limo and screamed down the street at top speed. The prime minister went round until the police pulled him over. The prime minister screamed at the,
“Bring the news crew that videoed me for an ad!!!”
An hour later the police sent the news crew to court and they found out that the news crew and the deputy prime minister were trying to take the prime minister out of politics. The crew and the deputy prime minister were sent to prison for twenty years and six months.
By Toby
Saturday, 11 October 2014
plane poetry
Qantas planes
Jetstar planes
Air New Zealand planes
Popular American Airlines planes
Those are just a few
Expensive planes
Private planes
Quick cargo planes
Float planes too
War planes
First planes
Don't for get Condor planes
Last of all, best of all
I like Boeing 747 planes
Jetstar planes
Air New Zealand planes
Popular American Airlines planes
Those are just a few
Expensive planes
Private planes
Quick cargo planes
Float planes too
War planes
First planes
Don't for get Condor planes
Last of all, best of all
I like Boeing 747 planes
Saturday, 13 September 2014
ICAS result
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A couple weeks ago I took part in a writing test for year 4 and up. I got Top 10% in the New Zealand and the Pacific. [that meant that I got distinction] |
Thursday, 28 August 2014
My Awesome Poems
Hatred is a fire burning down a house.
Hatred is Air France Concorde crashing into a hotel.
Hatred is America Aline's crashing into the twin towers.
Hatred is Pam Am 747 and KlM 747 in a head on collision killing 583 people.
Hatred is the center of World War 1.
Black is the night on a cloudy evening.
Black is the sticky tar on a hot summers day.
Black is smoke pouring from a toasty fire.
Black is the shadow of an evil man.
Black is blackberries dangling of a bush.
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
The world would be a better if we were more like Mother Teresa
War. Hatred. Violence. Greed. Suffering. Poverty. This is the world we live in. What can anyone do to make a world like this a better place? There is someone who did something. Someone who thought that even one person could make a difference. She was born in Albania in 1910, she became a nun in 1931 and she spent 45 years on the streets of Calcutta, India helping the very poorest of the poor. Can you guess who this person was? MOTHER TERESA! If we were more like Mother Teresa, the world would definitely be a better place. Mother Teresa once said these words “I alone cannot change the world but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” Mother Teresa threw the stone and by living like she did, we can be the ripples.
Firstly,the world would be a better place if we cared for the people around us. Mother Teresa cared for people, the poorest people. When she arrived on the streets of Calcutta, one MILLION people lay on the streets thirsty, hungry and dying, so she started to care for them one by one. One day she found a woman lying in a pile of rubbish half dead, starving and wounded. Her body was being eaten by rats and ants. Mother Teresa rushed her to hospital but they weren’t interested in helping someone like that. It was this event that made Mother Teresa realise she had to set up a place, a home for all the women, men and children that lay dying on the streets of Calcutta. She believed that even people as poor as this deserved care at the end of their lives. Mother Teresa cared deeply for people in need. She said “No act of kindness is too small to make a difference”. Imagine what the world would be like if we lived that way?
Mother Teresa did everything with love. So secondly, the world would be a better place if we did everything with love too. What is the greatest act of evil in the world? Mother Teresa believed it is the lack of love. She loved the people who had no-one, no-one at all to love them. Mother Teresa believed that one act of love could change a life, that’s what helped her to keep going, keep loving when everything seemed hopeless. Mother Teresa once said “We do not have to do great things, only small things with great love”. Our small actions if done with love can make the world a better place.
Thirdly, we could make the world a better place if we were more cheerful. Mother Teresa was a cheerful person and she believed that being cheerful was very important. Mother Teresa was known for her warm, happy greeting and her powerful, encouraging smile. To be one of the nuns who worked with her you had to be cheerful and able to smile. That was one of the things Mother Teresa required. She believed that “every time you smile it is an action of love, a gift to that person.” More smiles and more cheerfulness would go a long way in making our world a better place.
Finally the world would be a better place if we could be humble like Mother Teresa. She proved this in 1979 when she won the Nobel peace prize but she refused the traditional nobel banquet of honour and instead asked for all, and I mean all, of the money to be given to the poor! Mother Teresa lived alongside the poor people she worked with. She dressed like them and she even ate the same plain food the poor ate! All her life Mother Teresa wore a plain white sari just like the ordinary Indian women. Her saris cost only one dollar! Mother Teresa didn’t think she was special or better than other people. She said, “ I am God’s pencil, a tiny bit of pencil, with which he writes what he likes”. Putting others first and being humble would make our world better.
Mother Teresa was caring, loving, cheerful and humble. There is so much we can learn from her life. Imagine how different the world would be if we all could follow her example. I wonder what would happen to war, hatred, violence, greed, suffering and poverty?
Have you ever seen a person lying on the side of the the road hurt or begging for money? Did you stop to help? Mother Teresa would. Would you?
Mother Teresa |
Up with the Troll
The Three Billy Goats Gruff definitely shouldn’t have crossed the bridge, told lies about their brother and probably killed the troll, and all for grass! Undoubtedly the billy goats gruff behaved terribly. What would their mother say?
Firstly, the bridge was the troll’s property and the three billy goats gruff had no right to barge on to it without permission, like they’re the king or something. Clearly they should be punished severely. How would you like to have an intruder on your property?
To further support my argument, the goats behaved terribly to each other. They said their older brother was bigger. How would you like it if you were told you were fatter than your brother?
Finally, the three goats killed the troll by bucking him off the bridge, killing him! I believe the police should get involved or even the government! It’s dangerous to let murderers be on the run. Definitely the three goats should go to prison.
Certainly the three goats have to be put on trial and be sent to prison. I hope I’ve changed your opinion
By Toby
Thursday, 14 August 2014
R4 electronic devices at home
I found out 1 person had a playstation, 3 people had iPads, 7 people had iPods, 5 people had wii, 4 people had iPhones,4 people had cellphones, 4 people had Xboxs and 2 people had tablets.
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
My awesome term 3 goals
1. To run further and faster everyday in Cross country training and represent LAS at Clinton cross country.
2.To always sound out tricky words as I write then.
3. To start doing handwriting in pen.
4.To speak confidently in front of others.
2.To always sound out tricky words as I write then.
3. To start doing handwriting in pen.
4.To speak confidently in front of others.
Monday, 11 August 2014
Otago rugby team visit
Today Otago players [going to the ITM cup in Alexander] came to LAS
Me and Fusse |
Otago players |
Playing games |
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Monday, 4 August 2014
My story writing from last year
Big Ears was a skinny little elf who was quite good at hearing but not so good at talking.
However, his wife Little Ears was quite good at talking but, unlike Big Ears, quite bad at hearing.
So this is how the story goes…
One Saturday morning Big Ears was waddling down from his retirement home to get the post. Suddenly he came rushing in, but being old it took 3 minutes to get to his retirement home which was just 6 metres away from the post box!
“Yippe! We’re going to our sons wedding! Yippe!” Big Ears whispered as loudly as he could.
“What did you say dear?” asked Little Ears. Big Ears lent forward to Little Ears and spoke as loudly as he could.
“Ok...what?” Little Ears replied. Big Ears rudely snorted and went up to the telephone, rang up the bus service and ordered a bus.
“Right were leaving for Hamilton towrow at 9.am.”
12 hours later…
“Please, dear tell me where we are going?” asked little ears.
“Hamilton” reminded Big Ears as they stepped onto the the bus.
“Hello, welcome to demon 8. We will be driving to Hamilton today,” a demon said smartly. Rrrrrrrrrr,rrrrrrrrrrrr, slowly but surely the bus began to drive forward but surely began to go round in circles.
“Pease have some manners dear,’’Little Ears said politely. Big ears was not listening he was too busy…losing his lunch!!!! A couple of kilometres away the bus was passing a volcano.
‘Is this volcano active?” asked Big Ears, the only one with any sense on the bus.
“No” the demon said. But he was wrong.
2 seconds later…
Big ears, Little Ears and the demon hear long, loud rumbling. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and with it came a huge shower of hot, red ashes!!
“Drive!! What are you waiting for? Or are you a headless chicken??” Big ears shouteded at the demon. The Demon spoke next,
“I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is I’m not a headless chicken and the bad news is that I am an 8 year old and I don’t know how to drive!!!” Although Little Ears did not hear this she had jumped out of her seat and was screaming her head off!!!!!!!! Then the bus driver had started to copy Little Ears!!!
Big Ears muttered something under his breath and hopped into the driving seat but he couldn't see out the window so he shouted at the demon that he hated so much.
“GET HERE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!” The demon asked,
“And do what?”
“Lift me up! shouted big ears. So demon just shoved and lifted him.
“Who says an old elf can’t drive!!!!! YEHAY!!!!!!!!” Big Ears shouted happily.
The next day…
Big Ears had bought Little Ears hearing aides and the demon got a driving lessons.
My living taonga recount
Giant weta are the heaviest insect in the world and are native and endangered. There are 11 types of these massive insect. The maori name of giant weta is wetapunga meaning god of ugly things. The giant weta weighs up to 68 grams which makes it the heaviest insect. Because it's so heavy the giant weta can not jump.
A giant weta measures 100 mm and is 20 to 30 grams in weight. They have six triangular legs but on the front legs there are two ears sticking out of it’s knees. The head has two black eyes and a small mouth with a few tiny teeth. On the chin 4 feelers help it to feel it way around. And 2 antennae stick out of its forehead
Did you know that giant weta live on Little Barrier Island and also live in forests,
, shrublands and caves. They may also be found under stones in rotting logs and in pre-formed burrows.
Giant weta will eat any little creepy crawlies it can find such as flies, moths and more creepy crawlies . It will also eat veer tahsin and leaves. They can eat seedheads and fruit like apples, berries, and bananas.
Giant weta have several predators such as rats, cats and hedgehogs. Humans can also be considered as predators since humans are destroying their habitat. But humans are trying to protect the giant weta by moving then to Little Barrier Island where people hope they will breed and continue to survive.
Giant weta have survived since the dinosaurs and have changed very little over this long period of time but in the 21st century they are becoming endangered. People need to help this large and very heavy insect. HELP THE GIANT WETA!!!l
My camp recount
Never-ending speeches. Amazing carvings. Unspeakable experience. Cars rumbled into the rocky parks like an army. Everybody hopped out of the cars and slowly walked to the entrance to the marae (waharoa) and waited under it. Silently like ants. 1 minute… 2 minutes… 3 minutes passed, but then slowly, silently, steadily an old lady (the kuia) opened two doors leading in the wharenui (meeting house). Abruptly she started calling “Haere mai, haere mai, haere mai.” Then the visitors (manuhiri) gradually walked up to the two doors. When the manuhiri reached the doors the kuia politely asked the manuhiri to remove their shoes and put them on the veranda. Soon everyone was sitting down in chairs or on the floor. The boys were sitting on the floor on the left. Unfortunately they should be on the right. A lady gave the boys a long hard look ‘Sit over there please’. The boys quietly moved. Finally the speeches started. The long and boring speeches. While the speeches continued, some of the boys became restless and started staring around the marae looking at the beautiful tukutuku panels and amazing carvings. Suddenly one speech ended, but another one started. Soon the tangata whenua had to stand to sing a song in honour of their chief. “Tutira mai nga iwi” sang the tangata whenua. But unfortunately after the speeches ended came the hard bit… The hongi! Adults. Girls. Boys. A few minutes later… the boys had nervously stepped in to the line. It was all over in an instant. Never-ending speeches. Amazing carvings. Unspeakable experience. I wish I could do it again.
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Room 4 and parent helpers ready to head home |
My last years speech
A great man who Excelled at sport, who knew what was Right, who has Inspired many people and who wasn’t afraid to be Controversial. Imagine a man flying down a rugby field like an eagle, scoring the try and winning the game. This is what a Scottish man did and I am going to tell you why Britain called Eric Liddell the flying scotsman and why he is the person from the past that I would most like to meet!
To begin with Eric Liddell loved two things that I also love - rugby and running. He was a great man because he loved, loved, loved to run and he was impossible to beat. Eric excelled in rugby and he played for Scotland but his real passion was running because he was so fast.
Secondly Eric Liddell had very strong beliefs. He wouldn’t run on a Sunday and had to give up his chance for a gold medal at the 1924 Olympic Games. He chose to do what he thought was right even when other people thought he was wrong. He put his beliefs first and chose not to run.
To further support my speech Eric Liddell showed amazing courage and strength, like in one of his races he was pushed over and went from first place to last place but he got up and ran like the wind and won the race!!! Like I said before, at the Olympic Games he would not run in the 100m race on a Sunday, instead Eric ran the 400m race on a Tuesday. Even though he hadn't trained for that event he got a place. But... he didn't come 3rd, or even 4th. NO, he came 1st. And what a great triumph for the British Team to take home a gold medal!!!
Lastly Eric Liddell put other people first. Even though he was a champion he chose to put running aside and spent the rest of his life helping others by working as a missionary in China. Sadly he was a young man when he was taken to a prisoner of war camp during World War 2 and died there at the age of 43 of a brain tumour.
I was a little bit sad that Eric Liddell died so young. In some ways we are the same. We are both fast, we have both come first in a race and we both have the same beliefs. He certainly is a man who I would love to meet. And that is why I chose him, because Eric was a great runner, but he was also a great man. He knew what he believed, he always did the right thing and he put other people first.
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Clues about me
In Room 4 we have been learning about inferring. See if you can
find out something about me.
My first POST
Welcome to my AWESOME blog.
Today (25\714) I created my first post (this post) so I hope you'll learn a thing or two about me.
Today (25\714) I created my first post (this post) so I hope you'll learn a thing or two about me.
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